Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Admission Policies and Requirements

Fresno Pacific University welcomes those students who qualify academically, who demonstrate physical and emotional capacity for university work, who accept the purposes and standards of the university and who would benefit from a Christian university education. Students are admitted without discrimination as to race, color, nationality, creed or sex.

Baccalaureate Programs

Fresno Pacific University offers two baccalaureate programs for students to choose from. The traditional undergraduate program is designed for students coming from high school or transferring from another institution. The Degree Completion program is designed for students who are interested in a more flexible program to complete their undergraduate education, with 6-week courses often taken one class at a time. These classes are offered in a combination of evening, online and daytime options leading to a bachelor's degree built specifically for working adults.

Students wishing to move from one undergraduate (Degree Completion or Traditional) track to another must apply to do so by meeting with a counselor and filling out a program change form. Students need to meet the full admission requirements for the new track. Courses completed in one track will be evaluated to determine whether or not they transfer to the other track. Transfer credit evaluations are made by the Registrar's Office in conjunction with the academic department heads.

Traditional Undergraduate Programs

Admission Policy

Students applying to a traditional undergraduate program should present a record of achievement that documents their academic experiences and their extra-curricular and/or community activities. Skills in critical thinking, communication, reading, and a solid foundation in writing and mathematics are highly desirable. The admission office takes the following criteria into consideration when evaluating applicants:

  • Academic achievement in high school and/or post-secondary education (GPA, course selection, academic rigor, and class rank)
  • Recommendations from high school guidance counselors, teachers, and community leaders
  • Achievement test scores (SAT and/or ACT) are optional

Prospective first-time college students are strongly recommended to have the following high school courses as minimum preparation for college-level study at Fresno Pacific University.

  • 4 years of college preparatory English
  • 3 years of college preparatory mathematics
  • 3 years of foreign language
  • 2 years of social studies
  • 1 year of laboratory science
  • 1 year of visual and/or performing arts

Application Process

Application for admission and required materials should be submitted as early as possible. Application deadlines are as follows:

  • Fall Term
    • Priority Application Deadline: March 1
    • Regular Application Deadline: August 1
  • Spring Term
    • Priority Application Deadline: December 1
    • Regular Application Deadline: January 2

Applications received after the regular application deadline may be deferred to the next term of enrollment. Student notification is made on a rolling basis throughout the year. Students may apply for admission online at www.fresno.edu/apply.

An application for admission may be submitted after completion of the sixth semester of high school. Students who have completed any college course work (excluding summer courses taken after high school graduation but before fall college start) in subsequent semesters/terms following high school graduation will be considered for transfer admission.

To apply to a baccalaureate program, the following documents must be submitted before an application will be reviewed:

  • A completed application for admission.
  • Official transcript(s) of all credits earned in high school and in any regionally accredited college or university previously attended.
    • High school transcripts should reflect work through at least six semesters of high school to be considered.
      • Prior to starting classes, a final official transcript indicating a graduation or diploma award date (not a future graduation or anticipated date), is required.
    • Students who have not earned a high school diploma will be considered for admission based on certificates acquired through the General Education Development Test (GED) or the California High School Proficiency Examination.
    • Official transcript(s) from each regionally accredited post-secondary school attended (college or university) is required.
      • Transfer students that have completed an associate degree (AA-T, AS-T, AA or AS) or 60 transferable semester credit hours are not required to submit a high school transcript.
    • Veterans seeking benefits must submit a DD214 and military transcripts.
  • Achievement Test Scores are optional - If students elect to submit test scores, official score reports for the SAT and/or ACT should be sent directly to FPU.
    • Register for the SAT at www.sat.org and the ACT at www.act.org
      • FPU SAT Code: 4616
      • FPU ACT Code: 0357
    • Test scores may be required for specific program requirements or for athletic eligibility. Check with an admission counselor or coach about any requirements that may apply.

When all required admission materials are on file, the admission committee will review the materials and notify the applicant in writing of its decision- usually within 3 weeks of the file being completed.

Additional Information

  • All application materials are kept on file for two years and become property of Fresno Pacific University.
  • Transcripts received from other institutions will not be returned to the student or released to another institution or third party.
  • Submitting false information on the application for admission is grounds for denial of application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, or any appropriate disciplinary actions including degree revocation.
  • Any offer of admission to Fresno Pacific University prior to the applicant's completion of high school is provisional, subject to successful academic work during their remainder of high school and proof of graduation, except for candidates who are applying for college entrance without high school graduation. Any offer of admission to an applicant transferring from another college is provisional subject to successful completion of course work in progress at the time of application and proof of good standing from the previous college.
  • Students who are admitted with requirements and fail to comply with the requirements or results of their placement testing may not be eligible to register for subsequent terms.
  • Meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission.
  • Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program (unless specified). Some programs may require a separate admission process. 
  • Admitted students may elect to defer their enrollment for one year by notifying the admission office.
  • If a student is denied admission, they may reapply after one academic year (unless otherwise stipulated in their denial letter).
  • An appeal of an admission decision can be made in writing to the Director of Undergraduate Admissions. Applicants must provide new and compelling evidence not previously considered. The appeal will be reviewed by the Vice President of Enrollment Management and the Admissions Selections Committee.

Admission to the University

Freshman applicants should regularly meet the following requirements to be eligible for regular admission consideration:

  • A minimum academic grade point average of 2.6 in high school (4.0 GPA scale). Grade point averages are determined by the university.

Regular Admission

Standard admission with no restrictions.

Admission with Requirements

Students who do not qualify for regular admission may be evaluated on an individual basis for admission with requirements. They may be required to take and pass certain college preparatory classes or have required participation in the SOAR (Students on Academic Requirement) Program as part of their curriculum.

Transfer Students

Students who have completed any college coursework following high school graduation (with the exception of the summer between graduation and the beginning of that fall semester) are considered for admission as transfer students.

Fresno Pacific University takes into consideration the accreditation of the school attended as well as the general quality of the course work. Transfer students will receive credit for classes from an accredited college or university based on official transcripts submitted by the student and any transfer agreements that may be in place with other institutions. For students who have attended an institution that does not have regional, national, or international accreditation accepted by FPU, transcripts will be evaluated upon request. For more information, see the Academic Policies and Registration  section.

Acceptance for admission as a transfer student is determined by evaluation of all required documents. To be granted admission solely on college-level academic work, students should complete a minimum of 15 transferable units with a 2.4 academic GPA. If fewer than 24 transferable units have been completed, admission will be reviewed in accordance with the student's total academic record in both high school and college-level work. Also, if you are transferring to FPU from the California Community College system with an AA-T or AS-T, your FPU lower-division general education (GE) requirements may be fulfilled.

Home School Students

Fresno Pacific University welcomes prospective students who have received a home school based education. Homeschooled students should follow the application steps listed above. Homeschooled students must submit test scores (SAT and/or ACT) and a transcript of documentation showing that they have completed a comparable high school/college preparatory curriculum. This may be established through one of the following:

  • A transcript through an agency or association recognized by Fresno Pacific University that issues transcripts as part of its function.
  • Successful passage of the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) test or California Proficiency Exam.
  • A transcript of high school level courses completed.
    • Must include activity from 9th grade forward, the course name, a grade for the course, and a cumulative grade point average.
    • A final transcript showing completion, graduation date, and final classes must be submitted prior to attendance.
    • All transcripts must be signed and dated by the primary home educator.

Criminal History 

Students with a felony or misdemeanor conviction or adjudication, may not be eligible for clinical or internship placements, state licensure, or other certifications required for successful program completion and/or employment. (ie: nursing clinicals, state education licensure, social work internships and licensures). 

Placement Examinations and Required Courses

Traditional undergraduate applicants may be required to take additional placement tests in English, mathematics, and/or foreign language. Placement may also be determined by transfer credit. The university reserves the right to require specific courses based on the student's application materials, interviews, or placement tests.


Students who have not been enrolled in and/or have not submitted a leave of absence form for the previous semester will be required to re-apply for admission to FPU. Students can re-apply by submitting a re-admission application form to the undergraduate admission office. Students who have attended another educational institution during his/her absence will be required to submit official transcripts before an admission decision will be made. The admission committee cannot make a decision on a student who is re-applying if there are any holds on their file, including but not limited to holds from student accounts, student life, or academic. These need to be resolved before re-admission.

Non-Matriculating/Non-Degree Seeking Students

A non-matriculating or non-degree seeking student is someone interested in taking classes, but does not want a degree from FPU. Often these are students who have degrees but want to take additional classes for personal or professional development. Students desiring to apply as a non-degree seeking student need to submit an application for admission indicating non-degree status and provide proof of high school graduation or equivalent. Non-degree seeking students are limited to 2 classes or 6 units per semester for 2 semesters and may register for these classes no more than 14 days prior to the start of the term. If students transition into an FPU degree program, they may not apply more than 9 units towards their degree. Class pre-requisites may apply and students must adhere to the academic policies and student life guidelines in place at the time of enrollment. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for any federal, state, or institutional financial aid (including student loans).


Students wishing to audit a class can submit an application for admission indicating audit status. Students auditing a class are not eligible for financial aid. Auditing a class will not impact a student's GPA and they will not receive course credit.

Academic Program Admission

Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to specific academic programs which have separate admission requirements. The admission steps and requirements for these academic programs can be found in the program section of each major. This applies to two traditional undergraduate programs: Nursing, B.S.N. and Social Work, B.A. 

Enrolling in the University

All newly admitted traditional undergraduate students will be asked to submit an enrollment deposit as an indication of intent to enroll. The enrollment deposit includes an orientation fee as well as a payment that is applied to the student's account. The enrollment deposit is refundable until May 1 prior to the fall term of enrollment and December 1 prior to the spring term of enrollment. After these dates, the deposit is non-refundable but may be rolled over into the next fall or spring term. If a deposit is rolled over, it is bound by the original policy of the first term deposit and remains non-refundable.

Admitted students will receive housing and health forms (if applicable). Students planning to live on campus must submit a room reservation deposit. This deposit is refundable until May 1 prior to the fall term of enrollment and December 1 prior to the spring term of enrollment. This deposit serves as a room damage deposit and is returned at the time a student leaves FPU housing, provided there are no damages requiring repairs. Health information must be received prior to the start of classes or moving into a residence hall.

Dual Enrollment For High School Students

Students interested in taking college courses while pursuing a high school diploma may apply for the Dual Enrollment program. This program is designed for high school juniors and seniors who demonstrate preparation for college-level coursework. High school juniors and seniors who have taken advanced placement courses or hold cumulative grade point averages (GPA) of 3.0 or higher are eligible to enroll. In addition to the regular semesters, high school students are eligible for the summer session prior to their junior year and the summer session between their junior and senior years. Interested students must:

  1. Submit a Non-matriculating/non-degree Application for Admission
  2. Provide an official high school transcript

Please note:

  • High school students may only enroll in 100 level courses with the exception of JCC/Bible 100, which would not be considered.
  • Other classes such as private lessons, independent studies, or other non-specified coursse may not be eligible at the discounted rate or for high school dual enrollment.
  • There is a registration limit of two courses for each semester.
  • All students' credits and grades are recorded in the Office of the Registrar.
  • Financial aid is not available for this program. This program will be based on reduced tuition rates determined on an annual basis.
  • All tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • Students must follow the regular admission procedure, pay applicable tuition and fees and meet program requirements at the time they wish to enter a degree program at Fresno Pacific University.

Degree Completion Program

The Degree Completion program is designed for students who are interested in a more flexible program to complete their undergraduate education, with 6-week courses often taken one class at a time. These classes are offered in a combination of evening, online and daytime options leading to a bachelor's degree built specifically for working adults.

Admissions Policies

  1. Acceptance for admission to the Degree Completion general education program is determined by evaluation of all required documents. Students should regularly have a minimum 2.40 transferrable GPA to begin their pre-major or major courses.
    • Students not meeting the admissions requirements may still be considered for admission by the Degree Completion Admissions Selection Committee.
      • Students not meeting the admissions requirements may also be required to take CP 150 - University Success  and obtain a satisfactory passing grade.
      • Students not meeting the admissions requirements may also be required to provide additional documents if requested by the Degree Completion Selection Committee. These may include such items as a resume and proof of high school GPA. 
      • The admission committee cannot make a decision on a student who is re-applying if there are any holds on their file, including but not limited to holds from student accounts, student life, or academic holds.  These need to be resolved before re-admission.
    • All applicants to the Degree Completion program will need to provide High School transcripts unless they are transferring in more than 60 units or have an AA, AAT or AST.
      • If applicant is transferring in less than 60 units and does not have a high school diploma or equivalent, the applicant will need to pass the California High School Proficiency Examination (or other approved tests). Students may also be required to take CP 150 - University Success  and obtain a satisfactory passing grade.
  2. Once admitted, students must have 60 transferable baccalaureate units and a 2.40 academic GPA to be eligible to start their chosen major program.
    • Students with 54-59 transferable baccalaureate units and/or an academic GPA less than 2.4 may be eligible to begin a major cohort by petition and approval from the major's program director. This does not affect a student's admission to the university.
  3. Any other exceptions to the admissions standards may be considered for admission by the Degree Completions Admissions Selection Committee. Specific course work may be required before entering a program.

International applicants must meet the English proficiency requirements listed in the International Student Applicant section below.

Application Process

Students interested in applying for admission should request application materials by contacting the university or by applying online. Notification of acceptance will be sent as soon as all necessary documents are on file.

Those in need of financial aid should file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students not eligible to file the FAFSA should consider filing the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). Further information and instructions for financial aid applications may be obtained from the Student Financial Services Office. (See the section on Financial Aid .)


To apply for the Degree Completion baccalaureate program, the following documents must be submitted:

  • An application for admission.
  • Official transcripts from each regionally accredited college or university attended, as well as verification of high school graduation via transcripts for students with fewar than 60 transferrable units or who do not possess an associate's degree. (Veterans seeking benefits must submit a military transcript and DD214.)
    • Acceptable for Verification of High School Completion
      • A copy of a final, official high school transcript that shows the date when the diploma was awarded (not some date in the future). High school transcripts should reflect work through at least six semesters of high school to be considered.
      • A copy of a General Educational Development (GED) certificate or GED transcript that indicates the student passed the exam.
      • Successful Completion of a Two-Year Program: Successful completion of at least a two-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree, including:
        • Completion of an associate degree (AA-T, AS-T, AA or AS) from a regionally accredited college/university;
        • Completion of at least 60 transferable semester credit hours from a regionally accredited college/university that does not result in the awarding of an associate degree, but is acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree at any institution; or
        • Enrollment in a baccalaureate degree program from a regionally accredited college/university where at least 60 semester transferable credit hours have been successfully completed, including credit hours transferred into the baccalaureate degree program.

Documents for admission may be received at any time. New cohorts (major programs) begin with the start of each semester, with some exceptions. General education and elective courses begin every six weeks.

Notification of Admissions

Students who have applied for admission will receive a letter notifying them of their admission soon after all relevant information and documents—application form and transcripts—are on file in the proper admission office. Meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission. After the student has been notified of acceptance, the following steps should be taken:

  • Send final transcripts of work completed subsequent to the time of application to the university Registrar's Office or send electronic transcript to trans.evaluator@fresno.edu.


To re-enter the degree completion program after being inactive for one semester without an authorized leave of absence, the student must re-apply by completing a program re-entry form. Once approved, the student will be admitted under the current academic catalog and may enroll in classes as determined through the reassessment process. If a student has been inactive for more than a five-year period, the student must go through the entire admissions process. New transcripts will need to be provided from any institutions that the student has attended. The current tuition rate will be in effect.

Criminal History 

Students with a felony or misdemeanor conviction or adjudication, may not be eligible for clinical or internship placements, state licensure, or other certifications required for successful program completion and/or employment. (ie: nursing clinicals, state education licensure, social work internships and licensures). 

Additional Information

  • All application materials are kept on file for two years and become property of Fresno Pacific University.
  • Transcripts received from other institutions will not be returned to the student or released to another institution or third party.
  • Submitting false information on the application for admission is grounds for denial of application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, or any appropriate disciplinary actions including degree revocation.
  • Any offer of admission to an applicant transferring from another college is provisional subject to successful completion of course work in progress at the time of application and proof of good standing from the previous college.
  • Meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission. 
  • Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program (unless specified). Some programs may require a separate admission process. 
  • Admitted students may elect to defer their enrollment for one year by notifying the admission office.
  • If a student is denied admission, they may reapply after one academic year (unless otherwise stipulated in their denial letter).
  • An appeal of an admission decision can be made in writing to the Vice President of Enrollment Management. Applicants must provide new and compelling evidence not previously considered. The appeal will be reviewed by the Vice President of Enrollment Management and the Admissions Selections Committee.

International Student Enrollment

International Undergraduate Admission

An international student is defined as any student who is not an United States citizen or a United States permanent resident.

If you are planning to enroll at FPU on a F-1 student visa, please refer to the instructions below. If you have a different status, please contact the international admission specialist to verify what requirements you will need to meet.

Students interested in the Intensive English Language Program (IELP), please see specific admission instructions listed at Intensive English Language Program | FPU (fresno.edu)

Application Process for Degree Seeking International Students

International students are encouraged to submit all application materials as early as possible to ensure there is enough time to obtain a student visa. Application deadlines for international applications are as follows:

  • Fall Term
    • December 1 - Priority Application Deadline 1
    • March 1 - Priority Application Deadline 2
    • May 15 - Regular Application Deadline
  • Spring Term
    • October 1 - Regular Application Deadline

Applications received after the regular application deadline may be deferred to the next term of enrollment. 

To apply to a baccalaureate program as an international student, the following documents must be submitted before an application will be reviewed:

  • A completed application for admission.
  • One essay as indicated on the application for admission.
  • Official transcript(s) of all credits earned in secondary education along with a certified English translation and official evaluation. Verification of completion is required.
    • Official transcript evaluations must be completed by a Fresno Pacific University approved evaluator (ie: WES, ECE, IERF, SpanTran). Contact the international admission office for more information.
  • Official transcript(s) from each post-secondary school attended (college or university) along with a certified English translation and official evaluation.
    • Official transcript evaluations must be completed by a Fresno Pacific University approved evaluator (ie: WES, ECE, IERF, SpanTran). Contact the international admission office for more information.
  • Proof of English proficiency as described below, such as TOEFL, IELTS, ACT or SAT scores report, or a transcript from the completion of the Intensive English Language Program at Fresno Pacific University. College coursework completed at a US university may also be considered for establishing English proficiency.
  • Financial certification form that includes an affidavit of financial support along with corresponding bank documents.
  • Copy of current passport (must be valid for the student's entire stay in the U.S.).

When all required admission materials are on file, the International Admission Committee will review the materials and notify the applicant of its decision. Acceptance to Fresno Pacific University does not guarantee later admission to a specific academic program (if applicable).

English Proficiency Requirements 

English Testing

Students may demonstrate English proficiency by providing official transcripts demonstrating the minimum scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Overall exam: 6 500 61
Writing 5.5 50 13
Listening N/A 50 15
Reading 5.5 50 15

Students who take the TOEFL must either take the paper-based test (PBT) at Fresno Pacific University prior to admission if they are in the United States, or they must take the Internet-based test (iBT) and request that an official score report be sent to FPU directly from Educational Testing Service (ETS). 

Students may also demonstrate English proficiency based on official SAT or ACT score reports.

  • SAT (taken before March 1, 2016) - 450 Critical Reading
  • SAT (taken on or after March 1, 2016) - 490 Evidence-based Reading and Writing
  • ACT - 19 English

Prior Studies in English

Students may demonstrate English proficiency by verifying that prior studies were conducted in English. FPU reserves the right to verify that the language of instruction was English.

For secondary school, students must verify all of the following with official transcripts: 

  • Completed at least two years of full-time study without ESL support/classes.
  • Studies in English ended no more than two years before applying to FPU.

For post-secondary coursework, students must verify all of the following with official transcripts:

  • Completed a minimum of 15 transferable, non-ESL academic units from colleges or universities in which English was the language of instruction.
  • All transfer courses must be completed with a minimum cumulative 2.4/4.0 grade point average. 

Placement Examinations and Required Courses

International applicants may be required to take additional placement tests in English and/or mathematics. Placement may also be determined by achievement test scores or transfer credit. The university reserves the right to require specific courses based on the student's application materials, interviews, or placement tests.

Additional Information

  • All application materials are kept on file for two years and become property of Fresno Pacific University.
  • Transcripts and evaluations received from other institutions or credentialed agencies will not be returned to the student or released to another institution or third party.
  • Submitting false information on the application for admission is grounds for denial of application, withdrawal of any offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, or any appropriate disciplinary actions including degree revocation.
  • Any offer of admission to Fresno Pacific University prior to the applicant's completion of high school is provisional, subject to successful academic work during their remainder of high school and proof of graduation, except for candidates who are applying for college entrance without high school graduation. Any offer of admission to an applicant transferring from another college is provisional subject to successful completion of course work in progress at the time of application and proof of good standing from the previous college.
  • Students who are admitted with requirements and fail to comply with the terms stated in their admission letter or as a result of thier placement testing may not be eligible to register for subsequent terms.
  • Meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission.
  • Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a specific academic program (unless specified). Some programs may require a separate admission process. 
  • Admitted students may elect to defer their enrollment for one year by notifying the admission office.
  • If a student is denied admission, they may re-apply after one academic year (unless otherwise stipulated in their denial letter).
  • An appeal of an admission decision can be made in writing to the Vice President of Enrollment Management. Applicants must provide new and compelling evidence not previously considered. The appeal will be reviewed by the Vice President of Enrollment Management and the Vice President of Student Development.

F-1 Student Visa

After the student has been notified of acceptance, the following steps should be taken in order to be issued documents needed to apply for a visa:

  1. Submit a $150, non-refundable confirmation deposit.
  2. Request express mail for your documents. The link with express mail options will be provided upon acceptance notification.


Baccalaureate Students Taking Graduate Courses

Baccalaureate seniors at Fresno Pacific University who wish to enroll in a graduate class should regularly fulfill the following requirements in addition to completing an application for unclassified standing:

  1. Meet with and obtain written approval from their baccalaureate program director or mentor/adviser.
  2. Be a last-semester senior in good standing, with at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA and no more than 15 units remaining to complete the bachelor's degree. (Leadership Studies and MBA programs require a 3.0 cumulative GPA.)
  3. Obtain written permission from the Director of Graduate & Seminary Admissions.

No more than 6 graduate units may be applied to the completion of a bachelor's degree.

Students currently enrolled in baccalaureate studies at an institution other than FPU and wishing to enroll in graduate classes at FPU must fulfill the above requirements, with the exception of meeting with their program director or mentor/adviser. They must also include a letter of good standing from their home institution.