Graduate Academic Catalog 2019 - 2020 
    Mar 10, 2025  
Graduate Academic Catalog 2019 - 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Education

Division Chair: Megan Chaney, Ed.D.
Merced Campus Director: Kelly Bentz, Ph.D.
Visalia Campus Director: Donna Martin, Ed.D.
Mild/Moderate and Master of Arts Program Director: Lisa Keith, Psy.D.

Early Childhood Special Education, Moderate/Severe, and Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization Program Director: Sarah R. Johnson, Ed.D.


The Special Education Division prepares education specialists through Christ's example and evidence-based practice to serve individuals with exceptionality in an ethical, professional and compassionate manner. These professionals lead and inspire environmental and curricular innovations that model exemplary pedagogical principles for an inclusive learning community. They empower learning communities toward greater independence, self-reliance and personal fulfillment. Candidates seek opportunities for personal and professional growth as they integrate their faith and stewardship into practice.

The special education program offers coursework for the preliminary and Level II education specialist credentials in mild/moderate disabilities, moderate/severe disabilities, physical and health impairments, and early childhood special education. The division also offers the clear education specialist credential. The autism, early childhood, emotional disturbance and resource specialist added authorizations are offered.

Independent teaching coursework is completed at the candidate's employment site or a directed teaching experience may be completed under a master teacher for those who are not yet employed. Multiple credentials (mild/moderate, moderate/severe, physical and health impairments, early childhood special education and multiple subjects) may easily be obtained due to the integrated design of the program. However, candidates may pursue only one credential at a time. Students may also earn a Master of Arts in special education. Academic/research writing skills are a high priority for program candidates as well as the use of technology in all coursework. All program candidates are encouraged to have access to a laptop for all class sessions. Specific instructional supports are available and may be required for some candidates.


State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
1900 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, California 95814-4213

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of theology regarding God's intention for disability and suffering.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of historical, legal, ethical, theoretical and philosophical foundations of special education.
  • Implement legal and ethical practices within the learning community.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionality and their families.
  • Demonstrate cultural awareness of exceptionality and its implications within the family system.
  • Implement ethical principles and evidence-based practice for assessment and evaluation to determine individual needs, develop programs of service and measure progress.
  • Apply a breadth of knowledge of general education curricula to provide equitable access within the learning community.
  • Apply evidence-based practice for curriculum selection, instructional strategies and adaptations.
  • Apply a working knowledge of assistive technology and augmentative communication systems within the learning community.
  • Demonstrate evidence-based practice for development of positive learning environments and behavioral adaptations and interventions.
  • Demonstrate effective communication and team building through consultation and collaboration with individuals with exceptionalities, families, educational personnel and the greater community.
  • Implement transitional services for individuals with exceptionalities for education, employment and individualized living objectives.
  • Demonstrate proficient written communication by synthesizing and articulating information in standard formats to inform practice.

Locations Offered

Main Campus Fresno, Visalia Campus, Merced Campus and Online