Criminal Justice |
CRIM 370 - Diversity and Crime 3 This course looks at the challenge of cultural and gender diversity in criminology. It explores the impact of gender and race on criminal justice personnel, victims and offenders. It provides an overview of cultural proficiency in human relations. Finally, it pays special attention on the impact of bias on service delivery and system responsiveness. May not be audited |
CRIM 372 - Diversity and Crime 3 This course looks at the challenge of cultural and gender diversity in Criminology. It explores the impact of gender and race on criminal justice personnel, victims, and offenders. It provides an overview of cultural proficiency in human relations. Finally, it pays special attention on the impact of bias on service delivery and system responsiveness.
CRIM 375 - Criminal Justice in America 4 Recommended prior coursework: PS 120 PS 380 PSY 120 SOC 120 A society says much about its value system by the way it treats those members who have violated the accepted standards of behavior. This course acquaints students with the American criminal law system, exposes them to its mode of operation through literature and field examination, invites them to assess the justice of its processes and decisions and encourages a particular concern for the latter.
CRIM 382 - Juvenile Delinquency and Justice 3 Recommended prior coursework: PSY-120 and SOC-120. A study of juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system. Attention is given to the portrait of delinquency, causal factors, agencies of justice, the correctional process, programs for control and prevention and a restorative justice perspective.
CRIM 392 - Corrections 3 Recommended prior coursework: PS 120 PSY 120 SOC 120 Provides the student with an overview of the history and the trends of adult and juvenile corrections, including probation and parole. Focuses on legal issues, specific laws, general operations of corrections and relationship between corrections and other components of the judicial system. Correctional philosophies, theories and practices, including restorative justice, are discussed. Introduces various employment opportunities available within the correctional system to students in social work, psychology, criminology, education and health majors.
CRIM 410 - Criminal Evidence 3 This course provides a general overview of the origin, philosophy and constitutional basis for the law of evidence, with particular attention to discovery, chain of evidence, preservation & spoliation, rules governing admissibility, relevancy, hearsay rule and its exceptions, opinion, privilege and scientific evidence. May not be audited |
CRIM 412 - Restorative Justice 3 Students examine assumptions about crime and justice. Retributive and restorative paradigms of justice are compared and contrasted. Programs and crime prevention and intervention strategies are evaluated to discern retributive and restorative position and outcome effectiveness. Includes a lab in practical implementation. Students need 2 semesters to complete the course; May not be audited |
CRIM 420 - Criminology Statistics 3 Research and statistics are important in criminology. Specific statistical information covered in the course includes identifying and measuring objectives, collecting data, working with significance levels, analyzing variance and interpreting crime statistics. May not be audited |
CRIM 422 - Statistics for Sociology and Criminology 3 Research and statistics are important in criminology. Specific statistical information covered in the course includes identifying and measuring objectives, collecting data, working with significance levels, analyzing variance and interpreting crime statistics.
CRIM 440 - Advanced Criminal Law 3 This course is a follow-up to Criminal Procedure. It explores additional problems with arrest, search and seizure, as well as the role of the law of evidence on disposition of cases in the juvenile and adult justice systems. Prerequisites: CRIM 220 May not be audited |
CRIM 476 - Internship 3 This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to a "real world" setting. The course is also designed to teach students effective professional communication, leadership, relational and critical thinking skills. Through the internship experience, students will clarify their career goals, develop professional skills and reflect on how their work life integrates with their faith. Students may take up to 2 semesters to complete the course; Signature required; Repeatable for credit |
CRIM 496A - Criminology and Restorative Justice Studies Project I 1 This course will be the culminating work of the program that requires students to a) identify a particular issue or problem that commonly occurs in the workplace (or from their study), and b) apply selected disciplinary theory and program principles that are relevant to models for constructive conflict management or transformation. May not be audited |
CRIM 496B - Criminology and Restorative Justice Studies Project II 1 This course will be the culminating work of the program that requires students to a) identify a particular issue or problem that commonly occurs in the workplace (or from their study), and b) apply selected disciplinary theory and program principles that are relevant to models for constructive conflict management or transformation. May not be audited |
CRIM 496C - Criminology and Restorative Justice Studies Project III 1 This course will be the culminating work of the program that requires students to a) identify a particular issue or problem that commonly occurs in the workplace (or from their study), and b) apply selected disciplinary theory and program principles that are relevant to models for constructive conflict management or transformation. May not be audited |
Computer Science Software Engineering |
CSSE 105 - Computer Literacy 3 Prepares students for success in the challenging, educational and workplace technological environment. This foundational study assists students in mastering fundamental computer hardware and software skills, including the Microsoft Office productivity sui May not be audited |
CSSE 112 - Survey of Computer Science 3 Introduction to computer organization, low and high level computer language, various computer applications, software, hardware, operating systems and networks. The fundamentals of software development, project management, and ethical responsibility are also presented. May not be audited |
CSSE 121 - Introduction to Scientific Programming 3 Introduction to basic mathematical computing in a programming environment such as Mathematica, Maple or other appropriate computer algebra system. Emphasizes efficient computational programming and styles. Covers operations and programming with lists, strings, modules, functions, pattern matching, conditional evaluation and structured patterns. May not be audited |
CSSE 220 - Object-Oriented Programming 3 Developing and designing object-oriented programs to solve computing problems. A theoretical background is used as a basis for practical applications. Content is presented in the context of a programming language, its development and execution, structure and manipulation of data via objects. Prerequisites: CSSE 112 May not be audited |
CSSE 230 - Computer Architecture and Digital Design 2 Computer systems/fundamentals, including CPU hardware, memory, instruction set and addressing via assembly language. An introduction to parallel processing is also included. Topics in digital design, including Boolean and combinational logic are presented. Prerequisites: CSSE 112 May not be audited |
CSSE 240 - Data Structures & Algorithms 3 Units Nonlinear data structures and their use in algorithms. Analysis of algorithms and use of stacks, queues, trees, sets, and graphs. Building upon these fundamentals, an emphasis placed on design and implementation. Prerequisite: CSSE 220.
CSSE 260 - Automata, Formal Languages & Models 3 Background in computer science and its theoretical foundations with a focus on the use of abstract machines and models to solve computational problems. Finite representation in formal languages and their basis for programming languages are also presented. Prerequisite: CSSE 240 and MATH 370 .
CSSE 310 - Programming Languages 3 Introduction to programming languages, including object-oriented and functional designs, basic type systems, language translation and execution, and abstraction. Concepts in parallel and distributed computing are addressed along with fundamentals, decomposition, communication and coordination, and algorithms and analysis. Prerequisite: CSSE 220 and CSSE 240 .
CSSE 336 - Operating Systems & Networks 2 A background of modern operating systems and their control of computing operations is presented. Included are topics in memory management, file systems, I/O systems. Also incorporated are topics in computer networking communication, including hardware and software concepts of protocol, control, and security. Prerequisite: CSSE 230 and CSSE 240 .
CSSE 350 - Software Engineering 3 Introduction to engineering software as part of a process including requirements, specification, planning, design, verification testing, quality assurance, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Cost estimation is also included as an emphasis. Prerequisite: CSSE 240 .
CSSE 352 - Software Design 3 The architecture and design of software systems for large and complex applications. Different architectures and corresponding tradeoffs to be considered in decision-making involved in design. System modelling and simulation are used to assess design decisions. Prerequisite: CSSE 350 .
CSSE 362 - Multimedia Design & Development 3 Principles in the design and development of multimedia including color theory, layout, and typography in digital media. Application of these aspects in computing and programming is a main focus.
CSSE 366 - Computer Game Design & Development 3 A study of the scientific, technological, and artistic aspects of computer game design. Topics include modelling and simulation, human-computer interaction, graphic design, scripting, and story themes. Prerequisite: CSSE 240 .
CSSE 370 - Internet Programming 3 Solving problems with Internet and World Wide Web programming and related systems. Application of Internet programming languages in practical contexts with HTML and JavaScript. The course also examines Internet application tools and commercial Web servers and their security. Prerequisite: CSSE 240 .
CSSE 372 - Web/Mobile Applications Development 3 A study of the technologies utilized in the design, development, and deployment of software applications for web and mobile platforms. Topics include designing client/server applications for users, database implementation, usability, and security. Prerequisite: CSSE 220.
CSSE 378 - Programmable Logic Controller Programming 3 Programming and applications of programmable logic controllers. The course includes an introduction to the hardware and software aspects of PLC programming and its applications. Prerequisite: CSSE 230 and CSSE 240 .
CSSE 380 - Database Systems and Programming 3 Designing and developing relational databases in SQL to solve problems and creating forms, reports, and other components to assist data analysis and manipulation efforts. Topics include queries, joins, views, indexing, sequences, and security. Prerequisite: CSSE 112 , CSSE 240 and MATH 370 .
CSSE 390 - Ethics in Computing 2 The social and ethical issues in computing and software development including its history, promoting a dedication to quality, security, and privacy. A focus on codes of ethics is also included. Prerequisite: CSSE 112 .
CSSE 455 - Software Quality Assurance 3 Testing methods, verification, and validation of software to ensure its performance and adherence to customer specifications. Evaluation strategies, test planning, and methods for component and system-level emphases to ensure quality software products. Prerequisite: CSSE 350 .
CSSE 457 - Software Project Management 3 Development of software projects and related processes, including an emphasis on their evaluation and selection, scope, planning, organizing, staffing, scheduling, and monitoring. A focus is also included on managing risk in the development process. Prerequisite: CSSE 350 .
CSSE 480 - Computing Projects in the Community 1 Unit Students work in conjunction with a project coordinator to identify a need in society (e.g. school or district, church, etc.) to help address a computing need. All assignments must be approved by project coordinator and students meet weekly to discuss their progress. Prerequisite (or Corequisite): CSSE 390 and CSSE 455 .
CSSE 490 - Senior Project 1 A cooperative experience with a member in local industry to address a programming need via a team-based project. Students work with project coordinator to discuss planning and implementation progress. Students are expected to submit a formal proposal for all work to be completed, which must be approved by project coordinator and client. Students will present on their experiences and results to the FPU community. Prerequisite (or Corequisite): CSSE 390 , CSSE 455 and CSSE 457 .
Designated Subject Education |
DSE 400 - Early Orientation for Designated Subject Teachers 2 Designed to help beginning designated subject teachers navigate the school system, including the local school district, the county office of education, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California State Department of Education. Focuses on state curriculum adoptions and builds foundational knowledge and skills for the beginning teacher. Introduces learning diversities among students, lesson planning and instructional methodologies. Graded C/NC; May not be audited |
DSE 405 - Educational Technology 1 Instruction on how to select and use computer-based technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process in the career technical education classroom. Teacher candidates demonstrate understanding of legal and ethical issues concerned with the use of computer-based technology for information collection, analysis and management of the instructional setting. May not be audited |
DSE 410 - Foundations of Career Technical Education 1 An overview of the evolution of vocational education and how it relates to high school and adult programs. History, tradition, terms, various delivery systems and current legislative and regulatory initiatives and practices are addressed. Participants acquire an understanding of current policies, funding practices and issues, as well as a working knowledge of state, regional and local policy makers. The evolution of Career Technical Education (CTE) Standards and Frameworks and its significance to and integration in the CTE courses is explored. May not be audited |
DSE 415 - Curriculum Development 3 Teacher candidates determine curriculum for student learning, create course outlines and descriptions for Career Technical Education, substantiate need with local labor market, prepare a proposal, present substantiation for new course conduct unit planning and learn to integrate and identify essential standards from the California Career Technical Education, as well as the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Effective lesson presentations are required, emphasizing engaging a wide variety of learners, including English language learners and assisting instruction with technology. May not be audited |
DSE 420 - Special Needs 2 Assists teacher candidates in developing basic knowledge, skills and strategies for teaching special populations in CTE classrooms, including students with exceptional needs, students on behavior plans and gifted and talented students. Candidates will understand the role of the CTE teacher in the special education process. May not be audited |
DSE 425 - Learning and Instruction 3 Examines efficiency, effectiveness and safety in setting up a classroom environment. Classroom physical design, technology and social organization for an effective learning environment is explored. General classroom safety and OSHA are introduced, and safety requirements related to specific subjects are discussed. Ethics-based classroom standards are created and models for their development and implementation are addressed. Professional, legal and ethical responsibilities of the teaching profession are defined. May not be audited |
DSE 430 - Assessing Student Learning 2 Teacher candidates identify students' prior knowledge in the subject area and determine knowledge and skill, explore course objectives (learning objectives) as the core for assessment, experience creativity by developing questions and understand the relevance of questions as they relate to critical thinking and various learning levels of complexity of Bloom's Cognitive Domain and Psychomotor Domain and develop rubrics to score higher learning assessments. May not be audited |
DSE 435 - Classroom and Laboratory Management 1 Examines efficiency, effectiveness and safety in setting up a classroom environment. Classroom physical design, technology and social organization for effective learning environment are covered. General classroom safety in specific subjects and OSHA requirements are discussed. Ethics-based classroom standards are created and models for their development and implementation are introduced. The professional, legal and ethical responsibilities of the teaching profession are defined. May not be audited |
Early Childhood Development |
ECD 300 - Child, Family and Community 3 Students will examine the systems and relationships among family, school and community and their impact on a child's development. Included are a study of ethnic diversity, social class, customs/heritage and gender roles on family behavior, values, morals, attitudes and the development of children. May not be audited |
ECD 305 - Early Child Growth and Development 3 An advanced study of human development through a study of diverse cultural backgrounds. Professionals are provided a culturally sensitive account of developmental processes that assist their young students to develop the skills, understanding and sensitivity needed in a pluralistic society. From a multicultural perspective and a focus on typical and atypical child growth and development, the course includes studies in the cognitive, physical, social, cultural and emotional development of children from conception to age eight. Research, historical data, theories and recent trends are studied and applied through real-world case studies and applications. May not be audited |
ECD 310 - Human Diversity and Relations 3 The purpose of this course is to expand the student's understanding of the influences of gender, culture, economic situation, learning styles and language on the socialization of children, and then how to use this new understanding to inform the way to program for and interact with children. May not be audited |
ECD 320 - Parenting for Early Childhood Educators 3 This course explores the issues of educating parents through the study of specific developmental assets that integrate factors such as family dynamics, support from community adults, values development and social skills. Parenting is a process and has a variety of rights, responsibilities and roles that change across the life span. Needs of parents, the resources available and the helpful interactions between the parent and the educator are discussed. Variations in parenting practices based on heritage, culture and ethnicity are also reviewed. Degree completion students only; May not be audited |
ECD 400 - Children's Play and Learning Theory 3 This course examines child development theories as they relate to play and learning in young children. The course considers cultural and developmental perspectives, emphasizes theories in practice and provides a theoretical framework for structuring, observing, analyzing and evaluating play. Students will explore how children learn to play and the effect that play has on the child's development. May not be audited |
ECD 420 - Guidance in Social and Emotional Behaviors 3 In this course, students examine how to promote an encouraging classroom environment through the study of specific developmental assets that integrate factors such as peer influence, values development and social skills. The short and long term effects of logical and natural consequences for pro-social development are reviewed. May not be audited |
ECD 430 - Early Childhood Physical Education Methods 3 Through this course students will explore movement and developmentally appropriate practices for early childhood physical education. Adaptations for children with exceptionalities will also be presented. May not be audited |
ECD 440 - Students with Exceptionalities in School and Community 3 This course is designed to introduce the student to the information and techniques needed to develop curricula and instruction to meet the unique needs of individual children in early childhood settings. Special emphasis is given to theories, research and practical application from the fields of both early childhood education and special education. May not be audited |
ECD 450 - Children's Art and Literature 3 This course will introduce the student to a diverse selection of children's literature. Students will explore methods and strategies for using children's literature to engage the young learner in multiple learning experiences. A full integration across the curriculum will be a focus as children's literature is directly tied to math, science, social studies and the arts. May not be audited |
ECD 460 - Math and Science for Young Children 3 Designed from a constructivist focus, this course will integrate math and science learning experiences for the young child. Moving young learners from real-world/concrete experiences to organizing, recording and discovering what they know and understand and what they still wonder about. May not be audited |
ECD 470 - Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education 3-4 General overview of curriculum design for early childhood programs to include planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation of curricular activities, designing a classroom, lesson planning and the use of observation to guide curriculum and assessment. May not be audited |
ECD 483 - Child Observation Practicum 3 This is the second section of this course in which students reflect and apply learning from multiple courses in the child development program. Through readings, reflection on observations and practice, students will synthesize the information presented during this second semester of course offerings. May not be audited |
Economics |
ECON 101 - Principles of Microeconomics 3 An introduction to microeconomics. Topics generally include supply, demand and equilibrium; opportunity cost and scarcity; consumer theory; costs and profit maximization by firms; competition; effects of government policies such as price ceilings, price floors and taxes; and the way various markets operate, such as markets for labor, consumer products and loanable funds. May not be audited |
ECON 101H - Principles of Microeconomics 3 Recommended prior coursework: MATH-140. An introduction to microeconomics. Topics generally include supply, demand and equilibrium; opportunity cost and scarcity; consumer theory; costs and profit maximization by firms; competition; effects of government policies such as price ceilings, price floors and taxes; and the way various markets operate, such as markets for labor, consumer products and loanable funds. Emphasis on the quantitative models of problem-solving skills. Students are required to identify an economic issue to explore as their research topic and present their findings and possible policy changes to resolve the issues to an evaluative committee. May not be audited |
ECON 102 - Principles of Macroeconomics 3 An introduction to macroeconomics. Topics include supply, demand and equilibrium; economic growth and the international distribution of income; unemployment, inflation and aggregate demand and supply; the monetary system and the role of the Federal Reserve; government spending, taxation and fiscal policy as a means of managing the macroeconomy; and topics of current economic interest. May not be audited |
ECON 102H - Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Recommended prior coursework: MATH-140. An introduction to macroeconomics. Topics include supply, demand and equilibrium; economic growth and the international distribution of income; unemployment, inflation and aggregate demand and supply; the monetary system and the role of the Federal Reserve; government spending, taxation and fiscal policy as a means of managing the macroeconomy; and topics of current economic interest. Emphasis on the quantitative models of problem-solving skills. Students are required to identify an economic issue to explore as their research topic and present their findings and possible policy changes to resolve the issues to an evaluation committee. May not be audited |
ECON 301 - Economics in Business 3 This class is a study in allocating scarce resources in order to achieve managerial objectives. May not be audited |
ECON 390 - Global Economics and Sustainable Development 3 Recommended prior coursework: GEOG-220. The increasing interconnectedness of the global economy affects people more profoundly today than ever before. This course helps students better profoundly understand and wrestle with some significant positive and negative aspects of the globalization process, as well as examine social, political and economic aspects of development and the varied impact of the development process on the world today. Prerequisites: ECON 101 ECON 102
ECON 392 - Introduction to the Global Economy 1 Examines the basics of how the global economy operates and how it has come to be this way. Uses layman's language to explain the fundamentals of the global economy, including issues of trade, debt, globalization and inequality. May not be audited |
ECON 440 - Managerial Economics 3 Recommended prior coursework: ECON-105. Students learn how to apply economic theory to real business problems. Market forecasting, business decision making, cost analysis, government regulations and quantitative models for capital investment are explored.
Education |
ED 300 - Diversity and Global Education 1 Unit Explores the need and the methods of educating with a global perspective that focuses on understanding cultural differences and increasing sensitivity to those who are different from oneself. The benefits of understanding, celebrating and teaching diversity and a global perspective will be highlighted, as well as ways to combat misinformation and stereotypical attitudes about others in the classroom and the workplace. Degree completion students only; May not be audited; Students may take up to 2 semesters to complete the course. |
ED 410 - Comparative Studies in Education: Canada 1 Unit Explores the methods and perspectives of Canadian education with a focus on understanding educational differences with American/Central Valley public education. The benefits of exploring diverse methods and perspectives in teaching and learning is highlighted. Degree completion students only; May not be audited |
Environmental Studies |
ENV 150 - Introduction to Environmental Studies 4 An interdisciplinary study of the relationships between people and their environment. The use of natural resources, environmental degradation and human population are examined from ecological, social and religious perspectives.
ENV 151 - The Environment and Humanity 3 This course explores the interaction between humans and the natural environment from an interdisciplinary perspective involving ecological, social and religious issues. Use of natural resources and environmental damage are central themes. May not be audited |
ENV 460 - Environmental Issue Analysis 1-3 Interdisciplinary analysis of a selected environmental issue. Signature required; Repeatable for credit; May not be audited |
ENV 482 - Environmental Studies Practicum 1-3 Supervised work in an approved organization, such as a planning agency or nonprofit group involved with environmental issues. Signature required; Repeatable for credit; Graded C/NC |
English as a Second Language |
ESL 005 - Test Preparation I 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory This non-credit course meets three hours per week and focuses on each skill area tested in the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) for students with beginning and intermediate English proficiency as determined by the IELP placement exam or TOEFL score. Practice TOEFL tests, as well as the institutional TOEFL, are administered each semester. May not be audited |
ESL 006 - Test Preparation II 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory This non-credit course meets three hours per week and focuses on each skill area tested in the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) for students with advanced English proficiency as determined by the IELP placement exam or TOEFL score. Practice TOEFL tests, as well as the institutional TOEFL, are administered each semester. May not be audited |
ESL 007 - Summer Intensive English 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. This is a six-week, non-credit course beginning during the second session of the summer semester. Students meet together in one level for 20 hours per week to develop their English language proficiency. The course content and focus is determined by the instructor in consultation with the students to meet their specific language learning needs and goals. Repeatable for credit; May not be audited |
ESL 015 - Writing and Grammar I 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course uses a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 016 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills I 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Focuses on the development of listening, speaking and pronunciation-related skills. Meets for four hours each week. Designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 017 - Reading, Vocabulary and Critical Thinking I 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Through content area study, English language learners develop proficiency in reading, vocabulary and critical thinking skills, with increased emphasis on reading related skills for pre-academic students. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 018 - Academic Literacy I 0 Using a communicative approach and content area study, this integrated academic literacy course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 019 - Fluency Through Conversation 0 At a beginning through advanced level, this course is designed to expand communicative competence, a foundation for academic proficiency. Planned and spontaneous conversation events will provide opportunities for fluency development. Signature required; Student may need 3 semesters to complete this course; May not be audited; Repeatable for credit |
ESL 025 - Writing and Grammar II 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course uses a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with intermediate English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 026 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills II 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Focuses on the development of listening, speaking and pronunciation-related skills. Meets for four hours each week. Designed for students with intermediate English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 027 - Reading, Vocabulary and Critical Thinking II 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Through content area study, English language learners develop proficiency in reading, vocabulary and critical thinking skills, with increased emphasis on reading related skills for pre-academic students. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with intermediate English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 028 - Academic Literacy II 0 Using a communicative approach and content area study, this integrated academic literacy course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with high beginner English language proficiency. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 029 - Fluency Through Conversation II 0 At a beginning through advanced level, this course is designed to expand communicative competence, a foundation for academic proficiency. Planned and spontaneous conversation events will provide opportunities for fluency development. Signature required; Students may need three semesters to complete this course; May not be audited; Repeatable for credit |
ESL 035 - Writing and Grammar III 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course uses a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with high-intermediate to advanced English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 036 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills III 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Focuses on the development of listening, speaking and pronunciation-related skills. Meets for four hours each week. Designed for students with high-intermediate to advanced English language proficiency. May be repeated Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 037 - Reading, Vocabulary & Critical Thinking III 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Through content area study, English language learners develop proficiency in reading, vocabulary and critical thinking skills, with increased emphasis on reading related skills for pre-academic students. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with high-intermediate to advanced English language proficiency. May be repeated one time. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 038 - Academic Literacy III 0 Units Using a communicative approach and content area study, this integrated academic literacy course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with intermediate English language proficiency. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 039 - Fluency Through Conversation III 0 At a beginning through advanced level, this course is designed to expand communicative competence, a foundation for academic proficiency. Planned and spontaneous conversation events will provide opportunities for fluency development. Signature required; Students may need 3 semesters to complete the course; May not be audited; Repeatable for credit |
ESL 045 - Writing and Grammar IV 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with high intermediate English language proficiency. May not be audited |
ESL 046 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills IV 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. At a high intermediate level, this course is designed to develop listening, speaking and pronunciation skills. Awareness of pronunciation problems will also be emphasized for the purpose of learning to self-correct when speaking. May not be audited |
ESL 047 - Reading, Vocabulary and Critical Thinking IV 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Through content area study, high intermediate English language learners will develop proficiency in reading, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills with increased emphasis on reading skills for pre-academic students. May not be audited |
ESL 048 - Academic Literacy IV 0 Using a communicative approach and content area study, this integrated academic literacy course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with high intermediate English language proficiency. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 049 - Fluency Through Conversation IV 0 At a beginning through advanced level, this course is designed to expand communicative competence, a foundation for academic proficiency. Planned and spontaneous conversation events will provide opportunities for fluency development. Signature required; Students may need 3 semesters to complete the course; May not be audited; Repeatable for credit |
ESL 055 - Writing and Grammar V 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with advanced English language proficiency. May not be audited |
ESL 056 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills V 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. At an advanced level, this course is designed to develop listening, speaking and pronunciation skills. Awareness of pronunciation problems will also be emphasized for the purpose of learning to self-correct when speaking. May not be audited |
ESL 057 - Reading, Vocabulary and Critical Thinking V 0 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Through content area study, advanced English language learners will develop proficiency in reading, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills with increased emphasis on reading skills for pre-academic students. Students will also be required to give academic oral presentations. May not be audited |
ESL 058 - Academic Literacy V 0 Using a communicative approach and content area study, this integrated academic literacy course will use a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. It is designed for students with advanced English language proficiency. Signature required; May not be audited |
ESL 059 - Fluency Through Conversation V 0 At a beginning through advanced level, this course is designed to expand communicative competence, a foundation for academic proficiency. Planned and spontaneous conversation events will provide opportunities for fluency development. Signature required; Students may need 3 semesters to complete the course; May not be audited; Repeatable for credit |
ESL 115 - Writing and Grammar I 4 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Using a communicative approach, this integrated writing and grammar course uses a variety of content areas of interest to students to develop fluency and accuracy in oral and written language. Meets for eight hours each week. Designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. May be repeated one time for credit. May not be audited |
ESL 116 - Listening and Pronunciation Skills I 2 Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Focuses on the development of listening, speaking and pronunciation-related skills. Meets for four hours each week. Designed for students with beginning English language proficiency. May be repeated one time for credit. May not be audited |
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